Download details

JoomPhotoswipe JoomPhotoswipe 4.0+ 1.12

License GNU/GPL external

Size 101.67 KB

Downloads 7,405

Created 2019-04-12

Changed 2021-05-24

This plugin integrates Photoswipe 4.0+ into JoomGallery. With that, detail and original images can be opened with Photoswipe instead of in the default pop up boxes of the gallery.

The plugin is especially suitable for displaying images on mobile devices because of the swipe gestures control implementation in the Photoswipe script, but it also runs on desktop browsers. However, you have the possibility to select an alternative method for opening the images for 'non-mobile' devices in the plugin's configuration.

After installation the plugin has to be enabled in plugin manager of Joomla. Then, an additional option appears at the respective options for opening images in configuration manager of JoomGallery.

If the Photoswipe plugin 3.0 beta was already installed, it must be uninstalled to avoid conflicts.